Monday 5 October 2015

6 Workouts to perform at home

Hello everyone!
We are group of young people who loves to help people. Especially if we are talking about
sports. Not everyone of us can afford (because of the money or time) to take 3 days a week
training at the gym. We totally understand that fact and we decided to start this blog.
Every week you will wind new posibilities to train at home and still - be fit! Here are some
workouts you can perform at home - just for the good start!

6 home workouts by Sven Friedrich
6 workouts you can perform at home

First - the Plank.

It might be a little bit funny and obvious but still - this is excellent exercise and nobody
should underestimate this. Plank looks like it is easy to do but...wrong! When you are doing
it well - whole body will be sweating!

To perform the plank you have to place your elbows underneath your shoulders and... put your
knees together. When this part is done, try to lift your body and hold!

Try to do about 3 sets of these. As a beginner you should do around 20 seconds of plank.

We cannot stop! - The wody weight blitz

Not so easy like the plank :) You can say that is really demanding, but whole body is working
and stretching!

To get full benefit of this set of excercises you should do 10 repetitions of each:

- Pushups, with pause (around 2 seconds) when you are at the bottom

- Prisoner squats

- The plank (for 30-50 seconds)

- Alternate forward lunge

- Tricep couch dips

Each set should contain: 10 repetitions, after that - 8, then 6, 4 and 2 :)

3 minutes challenge

Did you ever heard "the simple solutions are the best" ? In this case it works very similar!
A few excersices which everyone of us knows can make miracles! Do you know them?

Pushups, squats and burpees? Sounds familiar? Great :)

Perform as many repetitions of every excercise in 3 minutes. Rest 1,5 minute and go on with

next excercise. Be sure that you are doing it corectly!

Deadlifts, ladies and gentelmen!

You have to turn all your weight to right leg. Next, try to bend your knees and once get left
leg behind your body. Get the lowest as it is possible on the right knee - then repeat excersice with another leg.

You should easly perform two sets of this excersice - 3-6 repeats on each leg.

Cardio at home? Why not!

Cardio excersises performed at home are not very popular... Do you know why exactly? It's not so easy :)

It's hard to start but... if you will - there is nothing more satisfying!

There are some great examples of this kind of workout:
-Stationary bike
-Jogging on the spot
-"Shadow boxing"

It's worth to perform every single excercise for 30 seconcs, rest 10-15 seconds and get another exversice. Repeat all of these for 10 minutes every day :)

Pull yourself up!

This picture explains everything :)

Pull-up (performing outdoor)
Pull-up (performing outdoor)

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